So after my post last week this one might seem strange but here goes. Most people who know me fairly well know that I am a compulsive cleaner. If there is a spot on the tile-I wipe it up, if there is a stain on the stove, I get out the Soft Scrub with Bleach. My kids will tell you that when they were younger, I would get upset at them if they made footprints in the carpet I just vacuumed-that's probably true.
But last week some of my kids and all of my grandkids left the state of Utah. My Michigans went back to Michigan. And my Provoians moved to Texas-Texans. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I have cried and eaten, eaten and cried. Nothing seems to take the pain away. But-I have this one reminder that I will keep for a while-small little handprints on my mirror and back door. I'm not getting the Windex or paper towels out-I'm loving thinking about those small ones and the love I have for them:)
Awwww lis-promise i love this post!! we all miss them:). those are cute little reminders, and if you need anymore, me and brad can put dirt on our shoes and walk around your house anyday:). sure love you!
On the 3rd day of traveling to Texas, Jeff called me to tell me that the barbecue deli at the grocery store was 40 feet long..He was so excited. So was I..a little jealous too. Just before hanging up Breena asked if she could talk to me. Hi Grandpa! She wimpered. My heart began to tear. She reminded me that it was a long drive and that she was in Texas now. Hi Grandpa! She wimpered again...moisture created a light film over my eyes. I miss you she said..I miss you too Breena. Not much is more painful than saying goodbye to your grandkids. Love Hurts when you have to say good bye...Then you know how big the hole is that they leave.
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